Adult Ministries Of FBC Blooming Grove

Below you can learn more about the different ministries at First Baptist Blooming Grove

Womens Ministries


Teacher:  Donna Breedlove

Sunday School  9:30 am – 10:30 am

Dorcus-Berean-Ruth Class 

         Age Group:  30’s – 90’s

         Class:  10 – 20

  • Bible study, discussion questions and praying together.

    We share all our prayer requests, pray for the needs of

    our country, our church family and we lift our sisters

    up in prayer daily.

    Weekly Connection:  We gather at a restaurant or a

     Sunday School member’s home for lunch/fellowship

Mens Ministries


Teacher:  John Barber

Sunday School  9:30 am – 10:30 am.

Crusader 1 & 2


Teacher:  Kim Harris

Sunday School  9:30 am – 10:30 am

Age Group:  30’s to 70’s

Class Size:  20 – 30

We conduct chapter-by-chapter studies; we use

“in-class discussions” and “topical video presentations”

to explore subject matter that has practical life applications

for the class.  We enjoy walking through our earthly

sanctification process together.


 Teacher:  Jerry Pommerening

Sunday School  9:30 am – 10:30 am

          Age Group:  30’s to 80’s

          Class Size:  25 – 35 

Goal:  Spiritual growth and to show class members what we believe and why.